- A Guide to Creating Vernal Ponds by Thomas R. Biebighauser
- Biodiversity at Risk in Isolated Wetlands by Patrick Comer and Kathy Goodin
- Biodiversity Values of Geographically Isolated Wetlands in the United States by NatureServe
- Do Geologically Isolated Wetlands Influence Landscape Functions by Cohen et al.
- Ephemeral Wetlands from the Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles of the Midwest
- Geographically Isolated Wetlands A Preliminary Assessment of their Characteristics and Status in Selected Areas of the United-States by US Fish and Wildlife Services
- Geographically Isolated Wetlands Are Important Biogeochemical Reactors on the Landscape by John M Marton et al.
- Geologically Isolated Wetlands Are Part of the Hydrological Landscape Rains by The Authors Hydrological Processes
- Geographically Isolated Wetlands Are Part of the Hydrological Landscape Rains by The Authors Hydrological Processes
- Habitat Management Guidelines for Amphibians and Reptiles by Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation
- Hydrologic connectivity between geographically isolated wetlands and surface water systems: A review of select modeling methods by Heather E. Golden et al.
- Maine Municipal Guide to Mapping and Conserving Vernal Pool Resources by Dawn E. Morgan and Aram J.K. Calhoun
- Now You See Them, Now You Don’t - Vernal Pool Identification and Conservation in Keene, NH by April Buzby et al.
- Ohio's Listed Species by Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife
- Relative effects of geographically isolated wetlands on streamflow: a watershed-scale analysis By Heather E. Golden et al.
- Vernal Pool Mitigation Site Selection by Brian Gara and Mick Micacchion
- Volunteer Wetland Monitoring Guide by EPA