Ohio's Hidden Wonders A guide to Animals and Plants of Vernal Pools
Fourth Edition now available!
$30 donation, includes shipping Makes a wonderful gift!
When using PayPal below please be sure to check the box to allow PayPal to share your address with us. We will need this info to send you a thank you letter for your tax return. The purchase of this book helps us to further our mission of protecting Ohio's wetlands.
Make your purchase today with PayPal below or by check, made out to OWA and mailed to:
Ohio Wetlands Association PO Box 360852 Columbus, OH 43236
$3 donation, includes shipping Diameter = 6 inches or 15 cm Looks great on a laptop or filing cabinet, too.
When using PayPal below please be sure to check the box to allow PayPal to share your address with us. We will need this info to send you a thank you letter for your tax return. The purchase of this bumper sticker helps us with our efforts to share the hidden wonders of vernal pools. Make your purchase today with PayPal below or by check, made out to OWA and mailed to:
Ohio Wetlands Association PO Box 360852 Columbus, OH 43236